
Wednesday 14 November 2012

English Circle Time...


Good Morning
How are you today?
What day is today?
We are going to sing our National Anthem “NEGARAKU”
We are going to recite our prayer
Now, let see who is absent today?
When I call your name please raise up your hand and say “yes, teacher”
Thank you.
If one of you want to go to the rest room (toilet), please raise up your hand and say 
“Please teacher, may I go to the toilet”
I am going to check your nails for today. Stand up still.
Show me your nails. 
Long nail - You have to cut your nail
Tuck in your shirt properly


We are going to have our break
Line up in two lines
Wash your hand
Say thank you to “kakak” – “kakak” will reply you are welcome
Before we eat, we are going to recite our prayer.
You may eat now.
Ok, finish eating?
We are going to recite our prayer again.
Now, line up, we are going to brush our teeth.

Field Activity

Sentences Pattern

Before activity

Put on your shoes and no talking, please
Line up into two lines
One line for girls and one more line for boys
We are going to have our activity at the field today.
Walk slowly, don’t run

At the field

We are going to stretch our self
Now in hale and ex hale
Let’s do some stretching
Okay, our activity for today is ___________

End of the activity

We are going to line up into two lines and walk back to our class
Don’t run, walk slowly
No talking.
Arrange your shoes properly and enter the class quiet

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